Our Dancebug registration for 2021 will soon be online!
Studios must contact us by email or phone in advance to reserve a spot as space is limited. A $500 deposit per event is required to confirm the reservation.
Please go to the top right hand corner and click on "Login" to create a studio profile and begin the easy step by step registration process.
You will only need to enter studio and dancer information ONCE!
You can also go to www.dancebug.com to sign in with your DRC account information
Please make cheques payable to our full name: Breakthru Dance Challenge Inc. and mail payment to:
BDC Inc.
29 Fuller Ave
M6R 2C4
We do not accept credit cards
Want help while registering?
Give us a call or send us a note and we'll be happy to answer any questions.
T: 647.218.6274
E: info@breakthrudancechallenge.com
Registration Deadline:
January 15, 2021
Early Bird Discount:
5% of total registration fee amount exceeding $2000 per location
Early Bird Deadline:
December 15, 2021 (All entries must be registered AND entry fees paid in full by this date for this discount to apply.)
Multiple Registration Savings!
If you register for 2 or more locations, an extra 5% discount (total of 10%) applies to the total amount of registration fees for the second and third location. This applies only if the EBD is met for all registered events.
Hotel Discounts:
Reserve by host hotel deadline to take advantage of the discount. Click on "Tour Dates & Hotels">"More Hotel Information" for complete details.
Advertisement Submission Deadline:
February 1st, 2022